“Partnering with the Project With team and County Probation has allowed our team to grow and make a deeper impact for our community youth.”
– Adam Zaragoza, YNOT Movement
Partnership Overview
The Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program named “Project With” works with youth residing at Los Angeles County Probation Department camps and their partner placement locations. Project With is a 12-lesson literary-based curriculum, where each lesson has youth read a literacy selection and includes a discussion. The lessons are led by Youth Advocates who have substantial experience with justice-involved youth. Ideally, two lessons are delivered once a week over a six-week period to groups of 8-10 youth, but the schedule is flexible.
The aim of the program is to improve adolescent health and reduce health disparities by building the protective factors known to result in improved health, healthy decision-making, and future thriving. WestEd, a research organization, conducts a rigorous evaluation of the program, a requirement of the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program grant titled “Opportunities Beyond the Narrative” that is funding the effort.
Are you probation department or placement location that serves probation youth?
Our Team's Role as Your Partner
The Project With facilitators deliver the 12-lesson curriculum to youth who have passed all clearance protocols. We support the administration of the pre-survey and the post-survey upon completion of the curriculum. We provide meals or snacks during most meetings, while we implement the 12-Lessons of the Project With curriculum to your youth group. We also provide an opportunity to all program youth who complete the curriculum to attend a one-day excursion to Camp Eaton in the Angeles National Forest or another local celebratory event!
Primary partner responsibilities include:
Identify staff to act as the main contact person on behalf of your program site. Help us identify and set up program locations and sites, and assist with marketing Project With to your youth and potential participants. Typically our program partners help identify and recruit 5-10 youth to participate in the program and assist with retention. Set aside time and space for Project With weekly programming. Finally, support Project With team to collect data from surveys and focus groups.